We condemn genocide and colonial denial
As so many Black scholars have posited, none of us are living single-issue lives and the lives of Palestinians, Congolese, Sudanese, Ethiopians, Haitians and anywhere else US imperialism has touched, must be of top of mind when fighting for Black liberation.
- Ericka Hart
The following is information provided by Inclusive therapists
we support and stand by in solidarity
Content warning: genoc*de, mass murder, racialized violence
We condemn...
the mental health field's complicity to gen*cide
staying silent as children that don't look like yours are mass murdered
getting cultural competence CEUs but “can't tell” when gen*cide is occurring
reading "white fragility" but "just cannot" witness ongoing gen*cide
seeking justification when Black, Indigenous, Brown people are murdered by our own government
shaming and bullying Jewish people calling for Ceasefire
attacking Black femme scholars whose quotes you leveraged for "likes"
demanding Black, Indigenous and People of Color to be your mouthpiece
professors, supervisors, practice owners operating business-as-usual
blaming Black, Indigenous and People of Color for “not seeking therapy” - look around